Hearing Aids

Logo, Carmines Hearing Aid Service Inc, Hearing Aids in Yonkers, NY

Digital Hearing Aids & Hearing Tests in Yonkers, New York

Add crystal-clear clarity to your listening experience at our center in Yonkers, New York, that provides hearing evaluations and digital hearing aids.

From hearing devices and assessments to repairs and products, we are your one-stop for everything related to hearing aids.

100% Digital Hearing Aids

Don't allow hearing problems to affect your enjoyment in life. Our digital hearing devices aid with speech clarity and speech focus. The better quality the unit, the more finely tuned it will sound. Not every type or model is an ideal fit for you.
Doctor, Hearing Tests in Yonkers, NY
Carmines Hearing Aid Service Inc helps you select the most efficient and effective aid to fit your specific needs. This depends on the type of hearing loss and the shape of your ear canal.


Let us assess your hearing problems and hearing needs today. We'll let you know which aid works best for you.

Batteries, Repairs, & Accessories

Don't wait until the battery is completely drained. Be sure to come in regularly to ensure that your batteries are fresh. We also provide hearing aid repairs and sell various accessories.

Hearing Aid Brands

Carmines Hearing Aid Service Inc carries a wide variety of makes and models. We deal with most major brands, such as:
Call us at (914) 237-1143 to schedule an appointment for a hearing aid fitting or for details about our products and services.
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